It has already been got attention that excellent wear resistance and corrosion resistance nanostructured coatings can be prepared by thermal spraying nanostructured powders. The velocity, temperature and size of particles of arc spraying different contents micron/nanostructured powder were measured by spraying watch and scan electron microscope. And the deformation of different particles was observed by optical microscope and 3D surface profile, the effect of micron-and nanostructured powder on the flight characteristics and deformation of the particles was analyzed. Mechanical properties of coating were tested. The results show that micron/nanostructured powder can improve bonding strength and toughness of the coating, and non-direct relationships exist between the powder size and the particle wearing resistance of coating, however, the erosion resistance of the coatings intensively depends on the powders size. The influence mechanism of micro/nanosturctured powder on the particles characteristics and coating properties were investigated.