HA coatings was deposited on TiAI6V4 substrate using a finer hydroxyapatite spray powder-53 μm and a new plasma spray process 'microplasma spraying' in this study, and the influence of spray parameters on the coating microstructure and crystallinity was investigated. It was found that three different coating structures could be obtained by changing spray parameters. The first structure can be characterized by many unmolten HA particles embedded in the coatings. The second one can be characterized by a typical lamellar coating structure and a high texture content. The third one can be characterized by high content amorphous phase, leading to less grain boundaries in the coatings. The coatings both with the first coating structure and the second one have high coating crystallinities. The functionally graded coating combined with the second and the third structure satisfied the need of rapid apatite layer forming speed in early stage and long term stabilization after being embedded.
来源 :
Chinese Journal of Materials Research
ISSN: 1005-3093
年份: 2007
期: 6
卷: 21
页码: 659-662