In this paper, we study the sum of squares facility location problem (SOS-FLP) which is an important variant of k-means clustering. In the SOS-FLP, we are given a client set C subset of R-p and a uniform center opening cost f > 0. The goal is to open a finite center subset F subset of R-p and to connect each client to the closest open center such that the total cost including center opening cost and the sum of squares of distances is minimized. The SOS-FLP is introduced firstly by Bandyapadhyay and Varadarajan (in: Proceedings of SoCG 2016, Article No. 14, pp 14: 1-14: 15, 2016) which present a PTAS for the fixed dimension case. Using local search and scaling techniques, we offer the first constant approximation algorithm for the SOS-FLP with general dimension. We further consider the discrete version of SOS-FLP, in which we are given a finite candidate center set with nonuniform opening cost comparing with the aforementioned (continue) SOS-FLP. By exploring the structures of local and optimal solutions, we claim that the approximation ratios are 7.7721 + is an element of and 9 + is an element of for the continue and discrete SOS-FLP respectively.