For non-classically damped linear systems, when the complex mode superposition method based on seismic response spectrum, i.e. the complex complete quadratic combination (CCQC) formula, is used for seismic response analysis, the amount of calculation is fairly large. Hence, the applicability of the CSRSS (complex square root of the sum of squares) method is provided for studying the variations of the modal displacement, velocity, displacement-velocity correlation coefficients along with the ratios of different frequencies and damping. Based on these analyses, a simplified method, which only considers the contributions from relatively adjacent modes in CCQC method and is named as simplified CCQC or complex partial quadratic combination (CPQC) method, is proposed for reducing computational time. A numerical example is presented to analyze the applicability, computational accuracy and efficiency. The proposed simplified method is useful for classically damped linear systems as well, and may also be named as a partial quadratic combination (PQC) method.
来源 :
China Civil Engineering Journal
ISSN: 1000-131X
年份: 2006
期: 11
卷: 39
页码: 43-49,126