From impact excitation vibration tests results of a reinforced concrete beam with increasing damage levels, the upward and downward maximums of displacement and acceleration at the half span point of the beam and the jack near the half span point of the beam can be obtained and the relationships between the three kinds of maximums and load levels are analyzed. By comparing their relationships, it is found that the downward displacement maximums and the upward acceleration maximums and the upward and downward jack maximums increase or decrease monotonically with increasing load levels. It can be concluded that such kinds of maximums can be used to estimate the reinforced concrete beam's damage degree. The downward displacement maximums are nearly linear to the load levels and are the best ones to be used to estimate the damage degree in the four kinds of maximums. The relationships between the fundamental frequencies obtained from either Fourier Transformation or time-frequency analysis and the load levels are curvilinear and the relationships between the downward displacement maximums and the load levels are nearly linear, thus, using the downward displacement maximums to estimate the damage levels of the reinforced concrete beam is more convenient than using the frequencies.