Experiments were carried out to investigate forced convective heat transfer of distilled water flowing through quartz microtubes with inner diameter of 242 μm, 315 μm and 520 μm. The microtube was heated by saturation steam to keep a constant temperature. The wall average temperature was obtained according to saturation pressure of stream and achieved the synchronization of heating and measuring temperature. As the Reynolds number varied in the range from 100 up to 6000 and the Nusselt numbers were measured, correspondingly. The experimental results were compared with the classical convective heat transfer correlations in laminar, transitional and turbulent regimes for conventional tubes. The comparison results indicated that the Nusselt number may be less than the classical laminar correlations when the Reynolds number is lower. The Nusselt number quickly increased with increasing of the Reynolds number. As Reynolds number was larger than 1600-1900 and 3500-5000, the corresponding Nusselt number will reach the value of the transitional correlations or that of the turbulent correlations.