The staged-combustion burner design was optimized to reduce the environmental pollution due to NOx emitted by the boiler combustion. The staged-combustion model was based on artificial neural network and simulation evolvement algorithm for a boiler with a 100 MW turbine-generation unit. The boiler performance was optimized for 16 design parameters and 7 regulating parameters that affect the combustion. The analysis considered boiler loads of 100%, 90%, 80% and 70% which required 11523, 14810, 13410 and 19732 neural network training steps for the training values to meet the mean square deviation requirement. The optimized design gave a species amount of 80, a cross probability of 0.8, and a variation probability of 0.15. The results show that the relative errors in the boiler efficiencies and NOx emissions between the calculated and measured results are less than 1%, and that the average NOx output of the boiler decreases from 812 mg/m3 to 645 mg/m3.