The FPGA can customize the array of internal logic at will, and can be programmed in real time at the user's site to modify the internal hardware logic to achieve any logic function. This is impossible for ASIC and DSP. In this setting, hardware Trojan is a malicious circuit intentionally implanted in a chip or electronic system or a defective module left unintentionally by the designer. Under special conditions, the module can be used by attackers to achieve destructive functions. The inserted hardware Trojan may cause information leakage, change the circuit function, and even destroy the circuit. In this paper, we use Ring Oscillator (RO) to construct a ring oscillator network (RON) and monitor the power supply of whole FPGA device. This method applies the frequency of the ring oscillator as a sensitive factor to facilitate the non-destructive detection of the location of the Trojan. © 2020 IEEE.