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Li, Xin (Li, Xin.) | Yang, Liyan (Yang, Liyan.) | Qiang, Ye (Qiang, Ye.)


CPCI-S EI Scopus


Taking the indicators related to structural adjustment from 1996 to 2015 as the factors, the influencing factors of national energy-related CO2 emissions was simulated based on the improved STIRPAT model. The findings include: (1) the five major industries, coal, steel, building materials, petrochemicals and non-ferrous metals, had the most significant positive driving effect on China's energy-related CO2 emissions; (2) the real estate inventory indicators basically conformed to the Kuznets N-shaped curve, and indirectly drove energy-related CO2 emissions through the impact on the urbanization process or related industries; (3) the driving characteristics of carbon dioxide emissions from energy consumption were mainly determined by the features of socio-economic development, urbanization and industrialization in different stages. Thus, the key to ensure green coordinated development is to correctly handle the relationship between economic growth, urbanization, industrialization and carbon dioxide emission control of energy consumption in different stages of economic and social development. © 2020 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.


Economic and social effects Emission control Carbon dioxide process Energy utilization Industrial economics Coal industry Green manufacturing Global warming Geology Carbon dioxide


  • [ 1 ] [Li, Xin]College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China
  • [ 2 ] [Li, Xin]Environmental Strategy Institute, Chinese Academy of Environmental Planing (CAEP), Beijing; 100012, China
  • [ 3 ] [Li, Xin]Center for Environmental Decision-making and Performance Assessment (CEDMPA), Beijing; 100012, China
  • [ 4 ] [Yang, Liyan]Environmental Strategy Institute, Chinese Academy of Environmental Planing (CAEP), Beijing; 100012, China
  • [ 5 ] [Qiang, Ye]Environmental Strategy Institute, Chinese Academy of Environmental Planing (CAEP), Beijing; 100012, China


  • [yang, liyan]environmental strategy institute, chinese academy of environmental planing (caep), beijing; 100012, china




来源 :

ISSN: 1755-1307

年份: 2020

期: 1

卷: 569

语种: 英文



SCOPUS被引频次: 1

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 1

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