To solve the problem of complex adjuster and permanent magnets (PMs) demagnetization at high temperature, a new type of adjustable permanent magnet coupler (PMC) with synchronous rotating adjuster is proposed, whose torque can be adjusted by turning a switched flux angles between the adjuster and PMs along the axial direction. The structural feature and working principle of the PMC are illustrated. The distribution of static magnetic field and the air-gap flux at different switched flux angles are obtained. The torque curves are calculated in transient field by using the 3-D finite-element analysis method. To predict the torque characteristics of the PMC, a new analysis method is proposed which uses the relationship between Maxwell suction and the torque. The test results show that analytical prediction can agree the test data well at low torque/slip. © 2019 IEEE.
来源 :
年份: 2019
语种: 英文