This paper presents a three-dimensional (3D) sound-field reproduction (SFR) method based on the Pressure-Matching (PM) approach. The desired sound field is modeled to be reverberation field to approximate a real conference room through the image-source model and the reflection model of the incoherent rough room surfaces. The whole reproduction procedure can be divided into two parts. At the first step, a large number of candidate loudspeaker positions for selecting, and the most efficient active loudspeaker is chosen based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) based Lasso. During the second step, all the selected active loudspeaker weights are calculated via regularized Least-Square (LS) method. Simulation results shows that the proposed SFR approach outperforms the existing PM-based SFR method in most cases for reverberation environment, and the runtime is far less than the reference methods, which means that the proposed approach is especially suited for low-latency sound field synthesis in reverberant rooms. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.