Based the idea of original 'Ping-pong' protocol, an improved 'Ping-pong' protocol based on single-particle and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) entanglement is presented. The EPR entanglement is used to detect the eavesdropping and the single particle is used to transmit the information. During the protocol, the sender Alice transmits an EPR entanglement pairs and a single particle to the receiver Bob at the same time. The bit error is caused by the random position of the single particle. In our security analysis, an eavesdropping will cause at least a bit error rate of 16.7%, and the probability of detecting eavesdropping with bit error rate is 50.0%. We also give a simulation which is based on law of large numbers and Monte Carlo method. In our simulation, we use mean square error (the value is 1.8115 × 10 - 5) to indicate that the simulation data is approach to the theoretical value. Compared with the original 'Ping-pong' protocol, the presented protocol doesn’t need the control mode, and it doesn’t need to store the quantum state. © ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2019.