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Wu, Tong (Wu, Tong.) | Zheng, Kangfeng (Zheng, Kangfeng.) | Wu, Chunhua (Wu, Chunhua.) | Wang, Xiujuan (Wang, Xiujuan.) | Xu, Guangzhi (Xu, Guangzhi.)




As a kind of behavioral characteristics, the analysis of keystroke behavior and the selection of keystroke features are crucial operations to improve the accuracy of user identification using shallow machine learning algorithms. In this paper, we discuss the typing behavior phenomena and put forward a targeted feature optimization strategy in order to meet the need of improving the accuracy of user identification. Three types of keystroke features are analyzed including duration time features (Hold Time) and two types of latency time features (UD Time and DD Time) from three aspects of features distribution, features correlation and features contribution. The differential evolution (DE) algorithm is used to optimize keystroke features and the new proposed fitness function of DE algorithm is defined based on the analysis of keystroke features. Finally, random forest (RF) algorithm is devoted to evaluate the performance of feature optimization. Feature analysis results show that latency time features distribution among users is more diverse than duration time; the two types of latency time features have a strong correlation of which is as high as 0.9766; the combination of duration and latency time features have the best classification accuracy. Final experimental results of an open dataset show that DE algorithm based on features correlation analysis selects features which have better contribution to user classification, reduces the correlation between UD Time and DD Time features, and improves the classification accuracy by an average of 2.6206%. © 2019 IEEE.


Learning algorithms Optimization Decision trees Machine learning Evolutionary algorithms Correlation methods Classification (of information)


  • [ 1 ] [Wu, Tong]Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, School of Cyberspace Security, Beijing, China
  • [ 2 ] [Zheng, Kangfeng]Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, School of Cyberspace Security, Beijing, China
  • [ 3 ] [Wu, Chunhua]Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, School of Cyberspace Security, Beijing, China
  • [ 4 ] [Wang, Xiujuan]Beijing University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing, China
  • [ 5 ] [Xu, Guangzhi]National Engineering Laboratory, Public Safety Risk Perception and Control by Big Data (NEL-PSRPC), Beijing, China






来源 :

年份: 2019

页码: 40-46

语种: 英文



SCOPUS被引频次: 4

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 1


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