Recently, Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) has demonstrated excellent capacity of modelling vector variable. A variant of RBM, Matrix-variate Restricted Boltzmann Machine (MVRBM), extends the ability of RBM and is able to model matrix-variate data directly without vectorized process. However, MVRBM is still an unsupervised generative model, and is usually used to feature extraction or initialization of deep neural network. When MVRBM is used to classify, additional classifiers are necessary. This paper proposes a Matrix-variate Restricted Boltzmann Machine Classification Model (ClassMVRBM) to classify 2D data directly. In the novel ClassMVRBM, classification constraint is introduced to MVRBM. On one hand, the features extracted by MVRBM are more discriminative, on the other hand, the proposed model can be directly used to classify. Experiments on some publicly available databases demonstrate that the classification performance of ClassMVRBM has been largely improved, resulting in higher image classification accuracy than conventional unsupervised RBM, its variants and Restricted Boltzmann Machine Classification Model (ClassRBM). © ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2019.