The demand for rare earths in aluminum alloy industry has experienced substantial growth in recent years. The erbium and scandium are two effective rare earth additives, mainly due to its remarkable improvement to aluminum alloy performance. However, the production process of rare earth has caused significant environmental problems. Hence, the analysis of environmental impacts associated with erbium and scandium processing is gaining importance. In this study, a life cycle analysis on the environment impacts of erbium oxide (Er2 O3) and scandium oxide (Sc2 O3) was carried out based on life cycle assessment (LCA) method. The life cycle assessment results showed that the production of 1 kg of Er2 O3 and Sc2 O3 generated 21.7 kg CO2 eq. and 743 kg CO2 eq., respectively. The leaching and purification process accounted for 95% of the overall water usage of Er2 O3 production. For Sc2 O3, energy and chemical consumption played a key role in reducing environmental impacts. Furthermore, Er2 O3 appeared to have less environmental impact than Sc2 O3 on most environmental issues. A detailed review of contribution was conducted and recommendations for further research were given. © 2019 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.