Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) becomes the most popular technique to enhance environment protection. This process produces one of the most toxic chemicals in the world, i.e., polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs). The dioxin (DXN) production should be restricted rigidly by using operation optimization and control of MSWI process based on present industrial devices. However, it is difficult to realize the on-line real-time continuous measuring of DXN duo to the complexity formation mechanism and high-cost long-time off-line detection approach. In this paper, a soft measuring method based on virtual sample generation (VSG) is used to address this problem at the first time. A few numbers of true training samples are used to produce virtual training samples based on feasibility-based programming (FBP) model using selective ensemble kernel partial least squares (SENKPLS) and prior knowledge. Simulation result based on dataset in reference [31] for a HL MSWI process shows effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2017 IEEE.