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Cao, Zhigang (Cao, Zhigang.) | Chen, Bo (Chen, Bo.) | Chen, Xujin (Chen, Xujin.) | Wang, Changjun (Wang, Changjun.)




Selfish routing is one of the fundamental models in the study of network traffic systems. While most literature assumes essentially static flows, game theoretical models of dynamic flows began to draw attention recently [1-5]. We study a new dynamic flow game with atomic agents. The game is played over an acyclic directed network, with two special vertices called the origin o and the destination d, respectively, such that each edge is on at least one o-d path. Each edge of this network is associated with an integer capacity and a positive integer free-flow transit cost. Time horizon is infinite and discretized as 1, 2,.... At each time point, a set of selfish agents enter the network from the origin, trying to reach the destination as quickly as possible. When an agent uses an edge, two costs are incurred to him: The fixed transit cost of the edge and a variable waiting cost dependent on the volume of the traffic flow on that edge and the edge capacity as well as the agent's position in the queue of agents waiting at that edge. The total cost to each agent, the latency he experiences in the network, is the sum of the two costs on all edges he uses (which form an o-d path in the network). The waiting time of each agent is determined in a way called deterministic queuing. At each time step, there is a (possibly empty) queue of agents waiting at the tail of each edge, and at most a capacity number of agents who have the highest priority (according to the queuing order) start to move along this edge. After the fixed period of transit time, each of these agents reaches the head of the edge, and enters the next edge (waiting at its tail for traveling along it) unless the destination d has been reached. The queue at each edge is updated according to the local First-In-First-Out rule (restricted to each edge) and pre-specified Edge Priorities - if two agents enter an edge simultaneously, their queue priorities are determined by the priorities of the preceding edges they just come from. To break ties when agents enter an edge simultaneously from the same edge, we divide each edge into the capacity number of lanes each with a unit capacity, and assign priorities among these lanes. Initially, the agents who enter the network at the same time are associated with original priorities among them, which are temporarily valid when they enter the network. This is a crucial difference between our model and those in [2, 4], where pre-specified priorities among all agents are permanent, working globally throughout the game. The essence of our model is that each agent makes a routing decision at every nonterminal vertex he reaches. This is the second crucial (and fundamental) difference of our model from almost all in the literature [2, 4, 5], in which agents are assumed to make their routing decisions only at the origin o as to which o-d path to take. In addition, it is usually assumed that agents' decisions upon entering the system are independent of the decisions of the agents who are currently in the system. In game-Theoretic terminology, while the dynamic traffic problem is usually modeled as a game of normal form (or a simultaneous-move game), we model it as a game of extensive form, which allows for agents' online adjustments and error corrections. Let r denote our extensive-form game of dynamic traffic, for which we apply the solution concept of (pure strategy) Subgame Perfect Equilibrium (SPE). We demonstrate in a constructive way that r always possesses a very special SPE. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first SPE existence result in this field. Then we study a very natural subset of SPEs of r, which is shown to possess desirable properties that are intuitively reasonable but technically hard to verify. This subset corresponds to the simplified setting, denoted as rn, where agents choose their one-off o-d paths simultaneously at the very start of the game. The SPE existence of r implies that rn admits at least one (pure strategy) Nash Equilibrium (NE). We show that the set of NEs of game rn forms a proper subset of the realized path profiles of the SPEs of game r. Furthermore, we prove that in rn every NE is also a strong NE and hence weakly Pareto optimal, and establish many other nice properties of all NE flows, including global (valid throughout the network) First-In-First-Out, hierarchal independence, and so on. These properties remain valid even if the network has multiple origins and a single destination. This is one of the key reasons that we are able to prove the existence of an SPE for r and the relationship between r and rn (note that the off-equilibrium scenarios in r are essentially new problems with multiple origins). Since there may be infinitely many agents in models like ours, a natural question is whether the queue length at each edge at equilibria can be bounded by a constant that depends only on the input finite network, when the inflow size never exceeds the minimum capacity of o-d cuts in the network. This interesting yet theoretically challenging issue has been listed as one of the important open problems in the literature [1, 4]. We prove that equilibrium queue lengths are indeed bounded in our games on two classes of networks: R on series-parallel networks, and r on networks in which the in-degree does not exceed the out-degree at any nonterminal vertex. © 2017 ACM.


Queueing theory Error correction Electric current carrying capacity (cables) Traffic control Computation theory Network routing Pareto principle Game theory


  • [ 1 ] [Cao, Zhigang]Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • [ 2 ] [Chen, Bo]University of Warwick, United Kingdom
  • [ 3 ] [Chen, Xujin]Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • [ 4 ] [Wang, Changjun]Beijing University of Technology, China






来源 :

年份: 2017

页码: 695-696

语种: 英文


WoS核心集被引频次: 0

SCOPUS被引频次: 18

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近30日浏览量: 2


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