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Wei, W. (Wei, W..) | Yang, Q.S. (Yang, Q.S..) (学者:杨庆生) | Li, L.T. (Li, L.T..)


EI Scopus


The hydrogel is a kind of intelligent soft polymer materials exhibiting obvious chemo-mechanical coupling behavior with physical properties of swelling with water absorption, and dehydration shrinkage. For the mixed-mode fracture problem in the hydrogel, using the equivalent domain integral method, the formulas of finite element numerical calculation of Jk(k =1,2) integral are deduced by means of an auxiliary variable and a reasonable choice of two characteristic lengths infinitely close to the crack tip, by which the finite element program of Jk-integral for solving fracture parameters is developed. The correctness of the program is verified by comparisons, and the mixed-mode fracture problems of hydrogel under chemo-mechanical coupling are numerically studied, which confirms the domain independence of mixed-mode fracture Jk-integral under chemo-mechanical coupling. The developed theoretical model and numerical program in this work will provide a profound insight into the multi-field coupling and fracture mechanism of intelligent hydrogel. The numerical calculation procedure programmed can provide an effective method for analyzing the design and optimization of intelligent soft devices with complex geometries and structures. © 2017 ICF 2017 - 14th International Conference on Fracture. All rights reserved.


Swelling Water absorption Crack tips Hydrogels Numerical methods Couplings


  • [ 1 ] [Wei, W.]Department of Engineering Mechanics, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China
  • [ 2 ] [Wei, W.]School of Civil Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan; 056038, China
  • [ 3 ] [Yang, Q.S.]Department of Engineering Mechanics, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China
  • [ 4 ] [Li, L.T.]Department of Engineering Mechanics, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China


  • 杨庆生

    [yang, q.s.]department of engineering mechanics, beijing university of technology, beijing; 100124, china




来源 :

年份: 2017

卷: 1

页码: 998-999

语种: 英文


WoS核心集被引频次: 0


ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 2

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