Recent years have witnessed the success of the proposed line-based distributed coding and transmission system for broadcasting satellite images (LineCast). The LineCast achieves high compression efficiency and provides smooth multicast capability with soft broadcast and coset coding, in which the precision of side information is crucial. However, the generated side information is rough by averaging several candidates based on template matching. In this paper, we propose a low-rank approximation based LineCast scheme for video broadcasting (LRALineCast) to generate more precise side information by exploiting the cross-frame correlation. The side information generation problem is thus reformulated as a low-rank matrix completion problem, where the approximately low-rank matrix is rearranged by the similar lines searched by template matching. LRALineCast achieves good broadcast performance and avoids the annoying cliff effect by utilizing soft broadcast transmission. The experimental results show that LRALineCast outperforms the state-of-the-art 2D broadcasting scheme and LineCast with up to 2dB coding gain. © 2016 IEEE.