In modern High Performance Computing (HPC) Systems, tens to hundreds processing units are integrated on a single chip, which lead the on-chip interconnections became complicate and inefficiency. The traditional NoC designed with metallic lines face serious transmission problems as the computing system scales up. Emerging interconnections such as optical interconnects and RF Interconnects (RF-I) have become the alternative technologies. The hybrid architectures composed with traditional RCs and emerging interconnections have become one of the mainstreams for HPCs. In this work we presented a new, flexible and efficient hierarchical architecture for HPCs, which can be customized according different applications and simply implemented with traditional 2-D mesh. A shared RF-I mechanism is applied between clusters to get a better bandwidth utilization, and an efficient hierarchical mapping approach is also provided along with the proposed architecture to both shorten the communication paths for frequently communicated nodes and long distant pairs of nodes. Our proposed architecture is verified through the extended simulation platform with cycle accurate simulation, which showed that our architecture is able to reduce average flit transmission latency by an average of 19.5% compared to the recently proposed architecture with RF-I shortcuts, and also an average of 6.5% improvement of energy consumption can be attained. © 2014 WIT Press.