This paper introduces planning and design of park-and-ride (P&R) facilities in Beijing, China. The procedure to locate new P&R facilities contains two main steps. The first is the selection of P&R candidates for the rail-transit network. These facilities must be constructed within 500 meters of a train station. The second step is to evaluate new P&R facilities and determine specific locations for proposed P&R facilities. Potential analysis is conducted of P&R candidates to determine proper locations and design profiles. This study also considers factors that have a great effect on P&R demand, such as population density, annual household income, accessibility of P&R facilities, distance to downtown, and saved travel time. The objective of this study is to help municipal governments determine the locations and sizes of P&R facilities along rail transit lines that would minimize auto travel and encourage use of public transit. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Expert Scoring Method (ESM) are employed to determine the final rank of P&R candidates. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineering.