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Cheng, Jin (Cheng, Jin.) | Han, Shuai (Han, Shuai.) | Ye, Qing (Ye, Qing.) (学者:叶青) | Cheng, Shuiyuan (Cheng, Shuiyuan.) (学者:程水源) | Kang, Tianfang (Kang, Tianfang.) (学者:康天放) | Dai, Hongxing (Dai, Hongxing.) (学者:戴洪兴)


EI Scopus SCIE


Effects of hydrothermal aging at 80 and 850 degrees C on catalytic performance and stability of Cu/SAPO-34 catalysts with different Cu loadings were examined, and their catalytic activities were investigated for the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx with ammonia. Over the fresh catalysts, the NH3-SCR activity increased with the loading of copper in the low-temperature range and decreased in the high-temperature range. Both of the isolated Cu2+ ions and CuO synergistically influenced the SCR behavior of the Cu/SAPO-34 catalysts, which gave rise to the distinct trends of catalytic activity in the two temperature ranges. Structural damage and dealumination, however, were observed in the aged samples, leading to a severely decreased amount in acid site and a loss in crystallinity. After hydrothermal aging at 850 degrees C, there was some aggregation in Cu species and the redox capacity of the 0.8Cu/SAPO-34-850 catalyst was improved. It is found that the isolated Cu2+ ions were transformed into the Cu-AlOx species after hydrothermal aging at 80 degrees C. These results clearly demonstrate that the change in the state of copper species and the damage in structure led to different catalytic activity of the sample.


Supported copper catalyst NOx removal Hydrothermal aging Selective catalytic reduction SAPO-34


  • [ 1 ] [Cheng, Jin]Beijing Univ Technol, Key Lab Beijing Reg Air Pollut Control, Dept Environm Sci, Coll Environm & Energy Engn, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China
  • [ 2 ] [Han, Shuai]Beijing Univ Technol, Key Lab Beijing Reg Air Pollut Control, Dept Environm Sci, Coll Environm & Energy Engn, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China
  • [ 3 ] [Ye, Qing]Beijing Univ Technol, Key Lab Beijing Reg Air Pollut Control, Dept Environm Sci, Coll Environm & Energy Engn, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China
  • [ 4 ] [Cheng, Shuiyuan]Beijing Univ Technol, Key Lab Beijing Reg Air Pollut Control, Dept Environm Sci, Coll Environm & Energy Engn, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China
  • [ 5 ] [Kang, Tianfang]Beijing Univ Technol, Key Lab Beijing Reg Air Pollut Control, Dept Environm Sci, Coll Environm & Energy Engn, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China
  • [ 6 ] [Dai, Hongxing]Beijing Univ Technol, Coll Environm & Energy Engn, Beijing Key Lab Green Catalysis & Separat, Dept Chem & Chem Engn,Key Lab Beijing Reg Air Pol, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China
  • [ 7 ] [Dai, Hongxing]Beijing Univ Technol, Coll Environm & Energy Engn, Dept Chem & Chem Engn, Lab Catalysis Chem & Nanosci, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China


  • 叶青 戴洪兴

    [Ye, Qing]Beijing Univ Technol, Key Lab Beijing Reg Air Pollut Control, Dept Environm Sci, Coll Environm & Energy Engn, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China;;[Dai, Hongxing]Beijing Univ Technol, Coll Environm & Energy Engn, Beijing Key Lab Green Catalysis & Separat, Dept Chem & Chem Engn,Key Lab Beijing Reg Air Pol, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China;;[Dai, Hongxing]Beijing Univ Technol, Coll Environm & Energy Engn, Dept Chem & Chem Engn, Lab Catalysis Chem & Nanosci, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China



来源 :


ISSN: 0922-6168

年份: 2019

期: 4

卷: 45

页码: 2023-2044

3 . 3 0 0






WoS核心集被引频次: 10

SCOPUS被引频次: 13

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 2

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