Face recognition under varying illumination conditions is an unsolved problem. Illumination normalization method is a common preprocessing method for this problem. One of the most popular illumination normalization methods is Total Variation based Quotient Image (TVQI) model. However, only the illumination invariant information in the small-scale part of image is used in TVQI model; therefore, the information is very limited. In this paper, a Multi-scale Fusion TV-based Illumination Normalized (MFTVIN) model is proposed to resolve the problem. Firstly, it uses Multi-scale Splice TVQI model (MSTVQI) to generate the small-scale part. This model is based on TVQI model, and it can generate the illumination invariant small-scale part which contains more detailed information than TVQI model. Secondly, TV-L2 model is used to get the noiseless large-scale part of human face. The large-scale part contains the contour of human face and the shade information. Illumination effects in the large-scale part are removed by region-based histogram equalization and homomorphic filtering. Lastly, two parts are fused to generate the illumination invariant face sample. MFTVIN model do not need the information about the lighting source and training set. Experimental results on some famous face databases prove that the processed image by our model could largely improve the recognition performances under low-level lighting conditions.