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Liu, Sihan (Liu, Sihan.) | Liu, Fang (Liu, Fang.) | Li, Zhe (Li, Zhe.) | Xu, Guangchen (Xu, Guangchen.) | Guo, Fu (Guo, Fu.) (学者:郭福)


EI Scopus


Charpy impact behaviors of eutectic SnBi solder joints with and without presence of Joule heating effect were investigated by employing a pendulum-type impact tester. The temperature rise induced by Joule heating effect at joined region can reach to 6.2 °C and 1.7 °C when the applied electric current was 10 A and 5 A, respectively. In addition, the temperature distribution of solder joints during the steadystate heat conduction was more uninform due to the sufficient mass of Cu substrates at two sides. Most important, the impact absorbed energies were the same regardless of how much of electric current was applied. The microstructure observation confirmed that the fracture mechanism was the same between the solder joints with and without presence of Joule heating effect. The ultimate results suggested that the weakness of solder joint was located at the interfacial layer where stress concentration possibly arose due to the interfacial reaction and the appearance of the Cu6Sn5 and Bi brittle phases. © 2010 IEEE.


Lead-free solders Heat conduction Joule heating Electronics packaging Copper alloys Tin alloys Heating Fracture Binary alloys


  • [ 1 ] [Liu, Sihan]College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, 100 Ping Le Yuan, Beijing 100124, China
  • [ 2 ] [Liu, Fang]College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, 100 Ping Le Yuan, Beijing 100124, China
  • [ 3 ] [Li, Zhe]College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, 100 Ping Le Yuan, Beijing 100124, China
  • [ 4 ] [Xu, Guangchen]College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, 100 Ping Le Yuan, Beijing 100124, China
  • [ 5 ] [Guo, Fu]College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, 100 Ping Le Yuan, Beijing 100124, China






来源 :

年份: 2010

页码: 652-656

语种: 英文


WoS核心集被引频次: 0


ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 4

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