Traffic simulation is an effective means for the optimal design of an intersection. However, the foreign simulation software can't be directly applied in China because of the influence of the mixed traffic. So it is necessary to develop the simulation system based on China's traffic characteristics. This paper presented the methods of the design and realization of the simulation optimization system, with an isolated signalized intersection as an example. Through the expert's investigation, the paper summarizes the existent problems and parameters and the expert's schemes of the signalized intersection. Then the knowledge base and the inference engine of the expert's system are designed. Based on the design, the paper realizes this system by writing VB code. It can export the optimized schemes automatically by inputting the intersection parameters. In addition, the system is also an open system which permits the users to add in the rule bases and the scheme collections according to the user's different demands and the changes of the intersection conditions. The research indicates that the system is applicable for the signalized intersection. © 2010 ASCE.