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Zhao, Juan (Zhao, Juan.) | Wang, Dayong (Wang, Dayong.) (学者:王大勇) | Zhou, Zhiwei (Zhou, Zhiwei.) (学者:周志伟) | Wan, Yuhong (Wan, Yuhong.) (学者:万玉红) | Jiang, Zhuqing (Jiang, Zhuqing.) (学者:江竹青) | Tao, Shiquan (Tao, Shiquan.)


EI Scopus


With the development of Earth and Space missions, the quest for higher spatial resolution for telescopes will turn into urgent need. Optical sparse-aperture system can be designed to obtain high resolution in astronomical object imaging with several independent small-aperture telescopes. However, the images from separated telescopes are not only overlapped but also have same phase. The analysis and discussion on system error which would affect the co-phasing is presented. The piston error, namely the relative longitudinal phase shift across the sub-aperture is an important error to affect the performance of the imaging system. In this paper, we demonstrate the effects of the piston error on the point spread function of the system. Then the simulation has been fulfilled with the specific system parameters. The direct imaging results are obtained. Due to the image restoration techniques, we can also produce higher resolution and better imaging quality result after the restoration. By using the correlation coefficient as the evaluation criterion of imaging, the results show that image quality is reducing with the increase of the piston error periodicity. © 2009 SPIE.


Errors Telescopes Image quality Quality control Earth (planet) Optical transfer function Optical testing Pistons Imaging systems Restoration Image reconstruction Mirrors


  • [ 1 ] [Zhao, Juan]College of Applied Sciences, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022, China
  • [ 2 ] [Wang, Dayong]College of Applied Sciences, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022, China
  • [ 3 ] [Zhou, Zhiwei]College of Applied Sciences, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022, China
  • [ 4 ] [Wan, Yuhong]College of Applied Sciences, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022, China
  • [ 5 ] [Jiang, Zhuqing]College of Applied Sciences, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022, China
  • [ 6 ] [Tao, Shiquan]College of Applied Sciences, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022, China





来源 :

ISSN: 0277-786X

年份: 2009

卷: 7281

语种: 英文


WoS核心集被引频次: 0

SCOPUS被引频次: 1

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 1

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