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Liu, Jin-Guang (Liu, Jin-Guang.) | Yu, Quan (Yu, Quan.) | Rong, Jian (Rong, Jian.) (学者:荣建) | Liu, Xiao-Ming (Liu, Xiao-Ming.) (学者:刘小明)


EI Scopus


The design of phase sequence is very important to signal control timing. The research embodied in this paper presents a new method of designing the phase sequence of the signal control, based on the conglomeration of pedestrians and bicycles in our country. Firstly, we present a new definition of the conglomeration of pedestrians and bicycles at the first phase after analyzing the two phases of the releasing characteristics of the signalized intersection. Next, we present a new method which is based on suppositional grids to describe the conglomeration. Then, we present a new method to optimize the phase sequence based on the time-space resource usage of the intersection. In order to optimize the phase sequence quantitatively, we found the model of conflict timing between the conglomeration and the vehicles. As for estimating the optimal phase sequence, we used the model of conflict timing. Finally, the application of this method is illustrated with the signalized intersection of Pingleyuan in Beijing. Under the simulation, the method gives an optimized result. © 2009 ASCE.


Bicycles Sporting goods Traffic signals


  • [ 1 ] [Liu, Jin-Guang]Key Lab. of Transportation Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, 100124, China
  • [ 2 ] [Yu, Quan]Key Lab. of Transportation Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, 100124, China
  • [ 3 ] [Rong, Jian]Key Lab. of Transportation Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, 100124, China
  • [ 4 ] [Liu, Xiao-Ming]Key Lab. of Transportation Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, 100124, China





来源 :

年份: 2009

卷: 358

页码: 1611-1617

语种: 英文


WoS核心集被引频次: 0

SCOPUS被引频次: 1

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 2

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