By far, no experimental data of convection heat transfer in ducts with molten salts may be found in open literature. In order to understand the heat transfer characteristics of molten salts and verify the well know empirical correlations for molten salts, experimental study on turbulent convective heat transfer with molten salts in a circular tube was made. Molten salts circulations in the system were realized and operated over 1000 hours were obtained. The flow rates and temperatures of molten salts and mineral oil in the inlet and outlet of the salts-oil heat exchanger were measured and the average forced convective heat transfer coefficients of molten salts were obtained by least-squares method. Finally, a heat transfer correlation of turbulent flow with molten salts in tube was obtained and good agreement was found between the correlation and the well-known Colburn equation and Hausen equation. Copyright © 2009 by ASME.