In order to obtain a more efficient method of manganese(II) removal, jar test was used to study the effect of potassium manganese(K2MnO 4) pre-oxidation on aluminum chloride (AlCl3) coagulation to remove manganese(II). It was investigated that the effect of the dosage of K2MnO4, dosing time, sedimentation time and common ions on manganese(II) removal. The results showed that, when K2MnO 4 was added before AlCl3 and its dosage ranged from 2.87 mg/L to 4.31 mg/L, with the sedimentation time longer than 5 minutes (min), the manganese(II) removal rate can achieve 82% even 100%. Acid and neutral condition was adverse for manganese(II) removal, while alkaline condition can achieve better results. The optimal pH was 9.20. The effect on manganese(II) removal of calcium ion(Ca2+) and magnesium ion(Mg2+)was unconspicuous, whereas phosphate ions(PO43-) had some negative effect. The effect of AlCl3 to remove manganese(II) in the way of coagulation can be enhanced by using K2MnO4 oxidation and coagulation aid, which was a kind of fairly effective technology for manganese(II) removal. ©2009 IEEE.