A new type of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) - internal transparent collector (ITC) IGBT is proposed. It is quite similar to that of the PT-IGBT, but a very low carrier lifetime control region is introduced in the P+ substrate near the p-collector/n-buffer junction. Based on quasi-static hypothesis, the ITC-IGBTs' static characteristic equations are given. The turn-off equations are also derived on base of non-quasi-static analysis. The model is used to our fabricated device structure and the results fit well to the experiment results. Based on the relationship of Von and local carrier lifetime, electron lifetime in carrier lifetime control region is deduced. They are at range of 0.2-30 nanoseconds. The static performance as well as turn-off loses of ITC-IGBT is compared to PT- and FS-IGBT. The ITC-IGBT shows good potential for 600V IGBT applications. © 2009 IEEE.