In this paper a novel and intuitive method for the interactive deformation of 3D meshes is proposed. This method is based on skeleton. After a region of the model to be deformed is selected and several reference points are specified, a skeleton is created implicitly and automatically through the reference points and the screen. Then the vertices in the region to be deformed are mapped onto the skeleton. Deformation of the region can be achieved by deforming the skeleton to the desired position constrained by the target points, which are specified by the user. To uniformly distributing the distortion brought by the deformation and preserving the details of the deformed region, the points on the skeleton are represented by the linear rotation-invariant coordinates. The deformed skeleton is reconstructed in the least-squares sense. At last, the mesh deformation is carried out by reverse mapping from points on the skeleton to the corresponding vertices in the region to be deformed. The skeleton are also can be used to twist the region of the mesh. We demonstrate the effectiveness and interactivity of our method by the detail-preserving editing of several models using little time. ©2007 IEEE.