For homo-junction Si bipolar transistor (Si BJT) operation under common emitter, because of self-heating and the positive feedback of thermoelectricity, thermal runaway occurs easily at high collector-emitter voltage and high current, this decreases the safe operation area (SOA) of transistors. In this paper, due to negative feedback of thermoelectricity, the negative differential resistance (NDR) characteristics of Si/SiGe/Si double hetero-junction bipolar transistors (DHBTs) with heavily doped base at high currents are observed. A new interpretation to this phenomenon is given. This may be resulted from Auger recombination in the base and decrease in current gain at high current as temperature rises by self-heating effects. As a result, this phenomenon has benefit to improve anti-burnout capability of bipolar transistors. The results indicate power Si/SiGe/Si HBTs have self-regulating ability and confirm that they are suitable for high power applications. © 2004 IEEE.
来源 :
年份: 2004
卷: 3
页码: 2155-2158
语种: 英文