The face, an important part of the body, conveys a lot of information. When a driver is in a state of fatigue, the facial expressions, e.g., the frequency of blinking and yawning, are different from those in the normal state. In this paper, we propose a system called DriCare, which detects the drivers' fatigue status, such as yawning, blinking, and duration of eye closure, using video images, without equipping their bodies with devices. Owing to the shortcomings of previous algorithms, we introduce a new face-tracking algorithm to improve the tracking accuracy. Further, we designed a new detection method for facial regions based on 68 key points. Then we use these facial regions to evaluate the drivers' state. By combining the features of the eyes and mouth, DriCare can alert the driver using a fatigue warning. The experimental results showed that DriCare achieved around 92% accuracy.