The elastic constants, bulk modulus, shear modulus and mechanical properties of the CaMnO3 crystalline material have been systematically researched on the basis of density functional theory together with the Birch-Murnaghan equation. The results show that the titled material has large C11 and C22,it has large bulk modulus and shear modulus, the elastic property is also moderately anisotropic. The CaMnO3 crystalline material has large Young's modulus of 219.62 GPa, it is hard for subjection of deformation. The very small Poisson ratio and B/G value indicates the strong brittleness, the hardness of 28.255 GPa is also obtained. The electrons of CaMnO3 crystalline material have strong localization trend, the valance bands are heavy. The covalent combination between Mn and O is presumably responsible for the high hardness and shear modulus. © 2019, Chinese Ceramic Society. All right reserved.