Most of the current semantic segmentation approaches have achieved state-of-the-art performance relying on fully convolutional networks. However, the consecutive operations such as pooling or convolution striding lead to spatially disjointed object boundaries. We present a dense boundary regression architecture (DBRS2), which aims to use boundary cues to aid high-level semantic segmentation task. Specifically, we first propose a multilevel guided low-level boundary (MG-LB) learning method, where we exploit multilevel convolutional features as guidance for low-level boundary detection. The predicted MG-LB boundaries are used to enable consistent spatial grouping and enhance precise adherence to segment boundaries. Then, we present a significant global energy model based on boundary penalty and appearance penalty, which are respectively defined on the predicted boundaries and coarse segmentations obtained by the DeepLabv3 network. Finally, the refined segmentations are regressed by minimizing the global energy model. Extensive experiments over PASCAL VOC 2012, ADE20K, CamVid, and BSD500 datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach can obtain state-of-the-art performance on both semantic segmentation and boundary detection tasks. (C) 2018 SPIE and IS&T