The sintered shale ceramsite lightweight aggregate was treated by the atmospheric pre-wetting and pressurized pre-wetting. The bonding properties of the lightweight aggregate concrete and the steel bar under different freezing and thaw cycles were investigated. The mechanical properties, bond strength, load-slip curve and bond toughness of the specimen under pre-wetting were analyzed. The experimental results show that the mechanical properties and ultimate bonding strength of the preheated wetting specimen were lower than those of the pre-wetting specimen, and the failure modes of the pre-wetting specimen were all fractured. The ultimate bond toughness of Au decreases with the increase of freeze-thaw cycle, and the residual toughness of A80 and A60 is relatively flat, but the bond toughness of the pre-wetting specimen is higher than that of pressurized pre-wetting specimen.Under the freezing and thawing environment, the bond toughness degradation model and the degenerative model of the residual strength and compressive strength of the steel fiber lightweight aggregate concrete were established. The calculated values of the model were in good agreement with the experimental values. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of CAEE. All right reserved.