Constructing an effective multi-level public transport system is an efficient way to meet the differential travel demands of travelers and support sustainable development in urban areas. Based on the analyses of trip characteristics of various modes of public transport, an ordered logit model of willingness to pay (WTP) was constructed and the service level factors of travelers' WTP were analyzed. A K-means clustering method as used to isolate three trip groups, the WTP elasticity of various traveler types was analyzed and the differences in WTP between these trip groups were studied. Finally, a virtual scene was constructed using differentiated bus service and the WTP of travelers for the scenario was calculated. The results of the scenario showed that travelers' WTP for bus service is largely affected by speed, reliability and degree of crowding. The most important measures by which to improve the attractiveness of bus service were identified to be both speed and reliability. © 2018 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). All rights reserved.
来源 :
CICTP 2017: Transportation Reform and Change - Equity, Inclusiveness, Sharing, and Innovation - Proceedings of the 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals
年份: 2018
卷: 2018-January
页码: 3775-3784
语种: 英文