The Scandia doped thermionic cathodes have received great attention owing to their high electron emission density in past two decades. Here, Scandia doped Re3W matrix scandate (RS) cathodes are fabricated by using Sc2O3 doped Re3W powders that prepared by spray drying method. The micromorphology, surface composition and chemical states of RS cathode are investigated with various modern technologies. It reveals that the reduction temperature of RS powders is dramatically increased by Sc2O3. On the surface of RS cathode, a certain amount of Sc2O3 nanoparticles and barium salt submicron particles are observed. According to the in situ Auger electron spectroscopy analysis, the concentration ratio of Ba:Sc:O is determined to be 2.9:1.1:2.7. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data indicates that low oxidation state of Sc is clearly observed in scandate cathodes. The high atomic ratio of Ba on RS cathode surface is suggested due to the high adsorption of Re3W to Ba. Moreover, RS cathode shows better adsorption to Sc by comparison with conventional tungsten matrix scandate cathode. For RS cathode, the main depletion of Sc is suggested to -OSc desorbing from RS cathode surface. RS cathode is expected to be an impressive thermionic cathode with good emission properties and ion anti-bombarding insensitivity. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.