RC shear wall with recycled concrete is applicable for multistory residence building. Low-cyclic reversed loading tests on seismic performance of five high-rise shear walls with shear-span ratio 2.0 have been carried out, including one normal high-rise RC shear wall, three high-rise RC shear walls with recycled aggregate concrete and one high-rise RC shear wall with recycled aggregate concrete and concealed bracing. Based upon the experimental study, the seismic performance of the high-rise RC shear wall with recycled aggregate concrete and the function of the concealed bracing have been studied. The structural stiffness and its deterioration process, bearing capacity, energy dissipation, ductility, failure feature and failure mechanism are analyzed systematically. Experiments indicate that compared to the high-rise RC common wall, RC shear wall with recycled aggregate concrete show poorer performance, and the more of the coarse aggregate replacement, the poorer the performance of the recycled aggregate concrete shear wall, but it is still able to satisfy anti-seismic requirements through rational design.