Traditional ground motion theoretical models in time domain or frequency domain can't fully represent the nonstationarity. The time-varying power spectrum or evolutionary spectrum for ground motion can be calculated by the modern signal analysis methods. However, the corresponding accuracy evaluation criterion is inadequate at present. The wavelet packet decomposition method is verified as an efficient tool in establishing time-varying power spectrum on the basis of theoretical and computational analysis. The accuracy evaluation criterion is presented based on the marginal condition in time-frequency domain. The time-frequency characteristics in ground motions are studied on the basis of signal process and statistical analysis, and the time-frequency spectrum are resolved into the multi-peak smooth spectrum and the non-stationary noise spectrum. The frequency domain spectrum model which includes multi-peak smooth power spectrum and non-Gaussian noise spectrum in frequency domain is established. The time domain spectrum model which includes multi-peak smooth energy spectrum and non-Gaussian noise spectrum in time domain is established. The time-frequency spectrum embodies the unity in the aspects such as characteristics both in time domain and frequency domain, functions expression, accuracy and multidimensional analysis of ground motion. The good precision and strong nonstationarity can be obtained if the natural earthquake wave is adjusted or the artificial ground motion is generated according to the unified time-frequency spectrum. © 2016, Nanjing University of Aeronautics an Astronautics. All right reserved.