It is well know that Ni-5at.% W(Ni5W) and Ni-9.3at.% W(Ni9W) alloy substrates are two kinds of promising materials to be employed in coated conductors. The Ni5W substrate is very easy to produce cube texture, while the Ni9W alloy has a lower magnetic property and higher strength. However, the pure cube texture are not capable to be obtained in Ni9W alloy. In this work, the preparation and texture development in both Ni5W and Ni9W alloy substrates have been reported. Highly biaxial textured Ni5W substrate was fabricated by cold rolling, followed by three different annealing routes. The texture analysis indicated that a sharp cube texture was formed after annealing at a wide temperature range of 800-1100°C in as rolled Ni5W substrate. The high quality of cube orientation was obtained after a two step annealing (TSA) with farthing twin boundaries analyzed by EBSD. Furthermore, in order to obtain a pure cube texture in Ni9W alloy substrate, a typical rolling process was performed and the deformation texture was optimized in these substrates. The designed deformation texture components were obtained in Ni9W alloy when pre-heating the ingot at 250 °C before performing a cold rolling, which shows a possibility to form cube texture in Ni9W alloy substrate after annealing.