In the course of developing the site earthquake resistance and utilization zoning plan in Quanzhou city, an integrated database of bore-hole records is established. A experiential statistical formula of shear-wave velocity of different soils is obtained by the statistical analysis, which is modified by the embedded depth of soil layer. The equivalent shear-wave velocity of drillings without shear-wave velocity data is calculated by the experiential formula, then according to the equivalent shear-wave velocity and the thickness of overlying soil, the site classifications are determined on which the bore-hole lies. The fluence of the thickness and the depth of soft soil and the ground water level on earthquake-induced settlement of the soft soil is considered synthetically by the layer-wise summation method and the idea of softened module and residual strain of soil. On the basis of analyzing thoroughly the effect of the topography and relief, the seismic engineering geology, the site classes, the liquefaction of sand, the earthquake-induced settlement of the soft soil after earthquake, the depth and thickness of the sand and the soft soil, the slope and landslip, and so on, a more feasible evaluation criterion of the site earthquake resistance in the zoning area is put forward. According to the criterion,the site utilization zoning plan is developed.