To solve the conflict of certification and privacy such as the electronic election, online bidding and other such network applications, a quantum signature scheme with public verifiability is converted into a designated verifier signature by introducing the classic ideas of Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange, in which the signer first generates a public verifiability initial signature with the help of a trusted third party according the quantum signature scheme, and then the signer and verifier agree a secret key, finally generates the value of signature through the secret key shared between the signer and verifier and the initial signature. This designated verifier signature scheme can make that only a verifier designated by a signer can verify the "validity of a signature" and the designated verifier cannot prove to a third party that the signature was produced by the signer or by himself through a transcript simulation algorithm. The final research results will not only provide a new way for the research methods of quantum designated verifier signature, but also provide a useful supplement for identity privacy protection methods. (C) 2018 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.