High power marine controlled source electromagnetic transmitters have gained interest with applications in marine geological survey and mineral resources exploration. The direct current to direct current (DC-DC) converter that is typically used in marine transmitters has some issues, as the insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) tube cannot achieve zero-voltage switching (ZVS). In particular, lagging-leg switching cannot easily achieve ZVS. The conversion efficiency of the heat converter requires improvement. This paper proposes an improved current-doubler rectifier for the marine controlled source electromagnetic transmitter (ICDR-MCSET). Resonant inductance is increased and a blocking capacitor is added to the converter (DC-DC) circuit, where the converter can achieve ZVS in a wide load range. This results in the effective decrease of the heating temperature and the improvement of transformation efficiency. Saber software simulation and a 20KW electromagnetic transmitter are used to verify the results, which show that the method is feasible and effective.