The subway corridor curve is a common component in the subway station. The safety and walking capacity of pedestrians along the subway corridor curve have attracted more and more research attention. The objective of this paper is to analyze the influence of the angle and radius of subway corridor curves on pedestrian flow characteristics. The Legion Studio simulation software was introduced to perform a simulation experiment, and the capacity of curves is defined and calculated, aiming to reflect pedestrian walking capacities. It is found that (1) the middle point is a critical position in a subway corridor curve; (2) pedestrian walking capacity will improve with the angle increasing when the volumes are 120 per/3m/min and 180 per/3m/min; (3) pedestrian walking capacity is seemed to stay at a better level when the radius is bigger than 10m; and (4) pedestrian volume might also influence pedestrian walking characteristics, which is worthy of further investigations in the future study. © 2016 ASCE.
来源 :
CICTP 2016 - Green and Multimodal Transportation and Logistics - Proceedings of the 16th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals
年份: 2016
页码: 965-975
语种: 英文