Li-rich cathode material 0.5Li2MnO3·0.5LiCoO2 is prepared by molten salt method, using raw materials with low melting point and mixing at low temperature. The influences of various sintered temperatures and different lithium contents on crystal structure, morphology and electrochemical properties of Li-rich cathode material are performed. Powders with homogenous sizes distribution and well layer structure are obtained when sample sinters at 850°C for short time after preheated at 200°C and uses stoichiometric amounts of Li source. In order to improve cycling performance, Li-rich material 0.5Li2MnO3·0.5LiCoO2 is modified by fluorinion-doping using molten salt method. The results show that cycling and rate performance are improved. At the same time, the phenomenon of capacity increasing with cycles is relieved after fluorinion-doping, and the time of activation is shortened at high current density.