The treated effluent quality of four different technologies types of reclaimed water treatment plants was evaluated with the standard index method in order to analyze the adaptability of the reuse approaches of treated effluents from typical reclaimed water treatment processes. This study could be a valuable reference to the selection of reclaimed water treatment processes and the security of reuse. The results of the study indicated that the reclaimed water treated by the four types of the treatment processes was basically safe to be used for municipal water usage. However, they all have different problems with meeting the relevant standards on certain kinds of water utilisation. The reclaimed waters treated by the treatment processes, except treated by RO process, all have problems with their nitrogen and phosphorus concentration exceeding the scandalised concentration in the case of being used for landscape purpose. The effluent water treated by membrane process could meet the requirements of the standard on industrial water usage. The reclaimed water treated by conventional flocculation filtration process requires further treatment on nitrogen and phosphorus removal. According to the water quality standard for recharging ground water, the reclaimed water treated by the four processes can not to be applied to recharge ground water because of the major concern on the over-standard of ammonia and DBP(a kind of environmental hormones), which can cause a certain risk to the environment.