Digital technology, computer graphic, optical and mechanically technology have greatly changed some traditional industries. 1Three dimensional (3d) laser scanning technology is one of the integrator of these advanced technologies. Documentation and conservation of the cultural heritage in 3D technology is also widely recognized and applied at international level. 2 Terrestrial laser scan (TLS) is the most popular technologies in preserving architectural heritage domain, and it is implemented on many preserving projects. 3 However, there are some problems which have blocked the application of this technology. The most important factor is the 3D data are hard to integrate in traditional method of preserving. Orthographic map is a very common and frequent form of documents and it can be generated from 3D data. This article focused on large-scale architectures and courtyard-level scale heritages' 3D scanning with Three dimensional laser scanner based on scientifically calculations, and creating orthographic map for traditional professionals and researches. The project of this paper is a part of preserving program hosted by the Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage, which required high efficiency and high fidelity of 3D scanning. The research and experience will benefit others and facilitate the spread of architectural heritage digitalization.