Modal characteristics analysis is the basis of the structural dynamic characteristics analysis. The finite element model of the rigid bracing dome was built by the truss elements and cable elements. Through adopting the block Lanczos modal analysis method, modal characteristics of the structure under different loads condition are analysed. The influences of structural parameters, such as initial prestress, span, load, etc. on the structural natural frequencies is concluded. The analysis of numerical example indicates rigid bracing dome appear similar or identical to the size of the frequency of and mutual symmetry vibration mode, whose natural frequency is small and intensively distributed; Equal division of ring direction and bar section area have little influences on the structural natural frequencies; Under the action of load, structural natural frequencies become smaller; Prestress, span, rise have larger influence on the structural natural frequencies, which should give full consideration in the structural design stage. ©, 2015, Science and Technology Periodical Press. All right reserved.