Eco-driving has been proven to have a great potential in reducing vehicle fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in many developed countries, however, this potential in China might be different due to different vehicle technologies, driving groups and driving habits. In China, eco-driving was just introduced in recent years and the potential in energy saving and emissions reduction of this fuel-efficient driving concept is not clear. Based on a driving simulator, the amount of fuel consumption and emissions before and after eco-driving training of 22 recruited drivers was calculated and compared. The training has two different levels, from receiving only static information (education) to guided practicing of eco-driving rules (coaching). Results show that the potential of eco-driving in saving fuel consumption is 3.43%-5.45%, and the potential of eco-driving on emissions reduction is 3.39%-26.15%, corresponding to different emission indexes. The benefits of eco-driving will be enlarged as the level of training reinforced. Additionally, the potential of fuel consumption saving and emissions reduction after eco-driving training is different between professional and non-professional drivers. ©, 2015, Beijing University of Technology. All right reserved.